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Treating Wooden Window Frames – How to look after your new bespoke windows

Bespoke wooden windows are created with great care and consideration to ensure that they are in-keeping with the style of each individual home or property. When they are maintained with the same thought and care they can last a lifetime!

Like any external timber feature, windows are constantly exposed to a mix of weather conditions and therefore need to be looked over regularly. Any necessary maintenance noted should be completed there and then. The sooner the problem is rectified the less likely it will escalate in to an expensive repair.

Here are a few things to look out for:

– If the timber appears to be starting to crack it is likely that the timber is drying out. This usually would be occurring due to a lack of moisture and or exposure to the sun. To rectify this you should lightly sand the effected timber and then apply a wood preserve or sealer. You should hopefully find that the preserve or sealer will absorb into the timber and solve this problem.
First fill the crack with glue and once dry sand off any excess glue left behind. Then add filler and sand until you have a smooth surface ready for re-finishing.

– If you notice rot or moisture damage this is likely to be due to the sealer either degrading or failing. A sealer or preservative needs to be applied regularly.
If you find that the rot or mould has really got into the timber you should try to wipe what is there off the surface with turpentine. If the damage is severe you can remove the rot with a chisel and fill in any gaps left with a wood putty. Then after sanding this down apply a preserve or sealer. Make sure that you go beyond the rot down to the good timber to ensure that all the rot has been removed before filling.

– Always keep an eye out for loose beading when you are inspecting your windows. Loose beading will lead to a lack of insulation in your property.

– Ensure that the ironmongery on your window and any other moving parts are working correctly and are still fitted well and in place. It would be a good idea to lubricate any moving parts every 6 months with an acid free oil so that they always move smoothly.

Regular inspection, early detection and quick action to rectify any problems will keep your windows as good as new for years to come!

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